Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Congratulations are in order.

Two weeks ago Chelsea Graduated at UBC and we were there to celebrate, she was one proud and happy girl as were we all, Noni in particular.  It turned out to be a beautiful sunny day and it all couldn't of been better.  

This Friday Rachel is Graduating from UVic with her RN.  Talk about excited.  She is another that we are all so proud of.  She did very well and she is already working at Victoria General.

Congratulations to both of our girls.

Grandma Vivian has had her problems and as a result was unable to attend the celebrations. Her leg sores and ulcers are healing and her prognosis is much better than when the Leg and Ulcer clinic first looked at them two weeks ago.  She is an amazing woman.  The extra drugs are causing some cognitive problems and her memory is worsening but she still holds a decent conversation.  Her weakened legs has caused her to slide to the floor a few times trying to get herself from bed to wheelchair.  She commented to me the other day that she seems to be spending more time on the floor than in bed, then laughed.  So she still has her sense of humour.

We'll be up to see Michael, Charlene and kids soon and are looking forward to that trip as well as  wedding in Seattle which will be fun.

That's about it for now.

Ciao and Peace.

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