Friday, November 18, 2011

Grandma Viv will be 93 on Sunday (20th).  We are celebrating on Saturday.  She says she is going to reverse it and be 39, so that is our theme.  Happy Thirty-Ninth.  Picture taken last September.  She is looking good for 39.

Weather is getting cold and wet and snowy on parts of the Island, fortunately not Victoria, at least not yet.  Makes one anxious to head South.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Carolyn's Week

Carolyn's 70th Birthday week went well.  Actually if you count the Hawaii trip she got for her birthday it's been more like a month.  LOL

In any event she had a wonderful week. Noni and Lyn decided to meet in the middle, Nanaimo, and treat their Mom to a day of shopping.  She left at 10 on Saturday last, and got home at 8:30 at night.  They had a ball.  Since they were doing that then David and Tena had us over on her actual birthday the Wednesday previous.  We had a lovely dinner, cake and great visit, especially since Megan and Ben were both there, something that doesn't happen often with teenagers, esp. Megan.  We had a good chat with them both and got caught up with their active lives.  Tena and David did a bang up job of the whole evening.  Thursday afternoon,  several of Carolyn's girl friends went out to lunch together.  Margaret Price's birthday was the same day so they celebrated both of them.  All compliments of Errol, who paid for it in abstentia, which was very nice of him.  Then Suzanne and John had us and the Prices over for a birthday dinner on Sunday as well.  That and all the phone calls, cards, letters, emails, FB entries, she was overwhelmed and appreciative of everyone's good wishes. Super week. The picture is of the flowers I gave her.  The bouquet was so big that she had to split it into two vases. Click for a bigger pic.

Now we are recuperating from all the activity.

Ciao and Peace.


Friday, November 11, 2011

Lest We Forget

Lest we forget

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