Sunday, April 17, 2011

50 We made it.

Yes we made it to 50 years of marriage and the kids did a wonderful job of the celebration at the Olympic View Golf Course. We had 30+ in attendance, a lot of family along with many of our friends. Unfortunately Michael, Charlene and family were unable to come down due to job commitments and were missed, but aside from that just about everyone available were able to make it. We were pleased that we had our Junior Bridesmaid Janet (Carolyn's cousin) and her husband George. Another highlight was Sister-in-law Catherine, along with Joel and Remy were over from Vancouver. We also missed Margot who was unable to come over due to her duties on the job.

We enjoyed the whole weekend immensely. It was a great affair.

Mom of course was there and she enjoyed it as much as we did. I picked her at at 2 pm, had an afternoon of visiting, we headed for Olympic View and she lasted the evening in fine form. She was still bright and cheerful when I got her back to James Bay at 11:15 pm. She is amazing.

Speaking of Amazing, my wife is amazing, my kids are amazing and our friends are amazing. Love and Thanks to all.

Pictures at HERE. Enjoy.

Ciao & Peace.

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