Monday, February 28, 2011
So lets summarize February. On the second I flew to Victoria to visit the homestead and Mom. All was well there. She was glad to see me and we managed a few games of Crib. I took her out for a haircut and then for her favourite lunch at Costco, lol. We also went to Lyn's for Adam's birthday which was a great evening. I also managed a golf game with John, not to mention dinner with them. Once back here we were again visited by Lewis and Phyllis on their way back from the tour and cruise to New Zealand and Australia. Many good stories from their travels, with the most exciting news that Lewis proposed to her on Valentines day in front of the entire tour group. Carolyn was very excited with this news. They were, in turn visited by Phyllis' cousin and her husband that were staying nearby, they all joined us with Rob and Sue for Rob's birthday dinner at a local Mexican restaurant.
We got up to Tucson for a fine visit with Kirkwoods and Spragues, and will soon see the Spragues in Yuma and maybe the Kirkwoods too, depending on whether their son Brian shows up at Davis Monthan Air base.
More recently we were out to visit Ken and Bernadette who are staying in Goodyear for a couple of weeks of golf and sun. They were staying at his sister's condo, and we had a dinner with them.
Speaking of weather, it has been unusually cold, mostly at night, but otherwise sunny and comfortable.
My cousin Shirley went to Victoria to visit Mom. She came for 6 days, and arrived the day of the big snow, and with a cold and thus was unable to do much. She got to see mother today, the day before she flies out. Mom had a cold too, and the care home has gone to quarantine.
Last week Catherine came to Victoria to visit Mom and got to have dinner with Lyn & Alan then with David and Tena. Mom was quite excited with all the activity that she called us twice in one day.
Tomorrow off to Yuma. TTFN