Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year All

We had a good trip down, with two exceptions; one was a wind and rain storm over night at Rolling Hills,CA, and the other was the ice, hard pack snow and slush, through Tehatchapi Pass, CA. A place where we have not encountered problems before, however, we had no difficulty except for losing about an hour. On the other hand we gained a day and arrived here a day early. The park had no problem with that, so we are settled. Going off to the Kirkwoods for New Years eve dinner, one very big bonus in arriving early. Helen is a great Chef.

So a Happy and Peaceful New Year all.

And we are off, Bon Appitit!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Merry Christmas

We are all going to Lyn's Christmas day. Well by all of us I mean, Mom, Carolyn, myself, with Lyn, Alan, Rachel, Adam and his girlfriend (coming in from Chicago) Sara. David and Tena are with her family and doing their own thing, but we will see them Boxing day, and Noni is having Christmas in Comox with Chelsea, her boyfriend Cole and Cole's mother, they are also coming down boxing day.

Noni split with John some time ago, however, she finally had to go to the police for a restraining order, as he kept bugging her. He has lost his job and there is talk of him moving to Calgary. She will be very happy if that happens. He hasn't bothered her since the restraining order went into effect.

Also Lyn and Alan went to Hawaii for two weeks in November, on the Monday after, Alan went to work to find that his job had been eliminated and he was immediately laid off. Ouch. He got a settlement but has a lawyer to improve on that. He and his boss didn't get along, and because of that he really didn't like the job anyway, but couldn't find any other work (with a forestry degree) that paid anywhere near the same. The bright side is now very free to find other work. At 50 that can be a challenge. They are OK, though, with Lyn's salary and a house paid off they are not hurting, just adjusting.

Mom is doing well, she was over for dinner last night, after I took her to a hair salon to get her hair cut. She still amazes me with astuteness. She never fails to notice something different in the house. Carolyn had put up a new picture and moved a couple and she noticed right away, "that's new" she says. I put on the Log fire on TV (our local cable channel puts it on every year at Christmas) and she commented that it was a different fire than last year. It was. On the cover of the Hello Magazine, that Carolyn gets, there was a picture of Kate Middleton and Prince William, she looks at it and says "she's wearing Diana's ring", which was, in fact, true. She doesn't miss much. Mind you that is visual stuff, her memory is not as great with current verbal items, but even so she still beats me at Cribbage occasionally. She is in a good place and much more amendable to our heading South. I will be back for a week in Feb. to check on things.

TTFN. The best of the Season to all who may read this. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year too.

Ciao, and Peace.

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