Friday, March 26, 2010

What's been Happenin'

Well..... Not a whole heck of a lot. Lets see. After Lewis and Phyllis left Rob and I have been to a few movies, and we have run out of those so we resorted to renting, going to watch Defiance tonight.

Ken's nephew took a turn for the worse and passed away, fortunately he flew in the day before and saw him, their son Keith flew here and we helped pack up their Motor home and Keith & Helen left to join Ken, they are there now. Our condolences.

Yesterday we took a trip into Tucson to see Kathy and John, do some Costco shopping and enjoy another invitation from Ron Wong to dine at the White Stallion. Thursday is steak night and as usual it was delish.

Today Rob and I took his Rig into Phoenix to get some equipment installed that balance the air pressure between the dual tires. That took most of the day, but he needed a navigator to get him there and back. haha

I dropped in to see Gerry and we will get together with him and Nat next week, just before we leave on Friday for Hemet, CA

That's about it.
Ciao for now.

Weather has been great and thus we have been enjoying that, and that is it for now.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Rain, Sun, Wind, Lewis & Phyllis

The variable weather continues, well, varied. A few nice, reasonably warm days separated by wind and rain. Lewis and Phyllis arrived for a six day visit, which went well, considering 4 people in a motor home can get crowded. We managed to do the touristy things, including a stop at the Organ Stop Pizza, which was the highlight as the organist was excellent. We got to the Saguaro National Monument forest and had an excellent tour guide. Of course, much shopping, and Eva's Mexican restaurant was excellent as usual, the only down side was the golf game. We headed out with the best intentions of a good game, weather was reasonable but by the time we got to the second tee the rain came followed by the wind and cool temperatures, much worse than forecast, so discretion being the better part of valour we quit after nine, came home, wrapped ourselves in blankets and drowned our sorrows. Thus ended an otherwise great visit.

They departed yesterday, and last night it was quite cool weatherwise. We saw two doves keeping warm on our car in the morning sun as you can see in the picture.


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