Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ottawa trip and Mom

We are back from Ottawa, and it was a fine trip. The Lavignes are fine hosts and we had a great time. We got to see a lot of Erika's baby Elsa; we met her husband Pedro and Pedro's mom. He is a fine Dad and his we enjoyed his mom and stories from Portugal. We got to catch up with another couple we haven't seen in a long time Ed and Simone Robichaud. We also got to the National Art Gallery, and the National War Museum, both a must if you are ever in Ottawa. We also got to Merrickville and we tried the Aviation museum but it is now closed on Mondays and Tuesdays after Labour Day. Overall it was a great week. I'll put some pictures up when I get them down loaded.

Mom was very happy to see us. She had visits from Lyn, Adam, David, Tena, and Ben. Ben played Crib with her. She is still anxious to get out of the hospital, but movement to care homes is slow. Hopefully soon.

Got to go to my Lions meeting, Later.


Saturday, September 05, 2009

Mom's Outing

Mom is anxious to get out of the hospital. Despite the good care she is getting it is somewhat depressing. We took her out for the 3rd time on Friday. She wanted lunch out and it had to be pizza, after which she wanted to go out to the Lagoon, one of her favourite spots. She looks good in her new glasses she got last week.

I went to see Sunset Lodge last week, which she is on the list for. It is quite nice. Rooms are small but private with private bathroom. The cook on site and each floor has a dining room. Lovely outdoor area and activity areas overlooking the Gorge inlet. Very nice setting. It in Esquimalt only 3 kms from our place, so it would be handy. Unfortunately, she must take the first bed available no matter where it is, she then, if she wishes remain on the list for Sunset Lodge for a later move. Currently she happy with that, anything to get out of the hospital.

We are soon headed for Ottawa to visit the Lavignes, and finally see Erica's new baby, we will be a few days, so I'll be back with a blog with pictures after that.

Our weather has been holding quite fine, though we have had a few sprinkles the last couple of days, and for the next couple too apparently.

Michael and Charlene's dog Buu died this morning, after 14 years, so it is a sad day up there. They just got a new puppy last week, Coco, and the still have Kona as well. So still lots of puppies to love.

Till next time TTFN. Peace

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