Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Corpus Christi

We have made the short trip to Padre Palms at Corpus Christi. We are staying here two days prior to going on to Harlingen. The weather is still warm, but that Canadian Cold Front is coming South. It is probably cold in Tishomingo now, below freezing in fact. I am sure Jack will blog about it, and the possible snow. It will be cooler here tomorrow night. Maybe down to 38F. High of 60 instead of the 85 today.

Anyhow, we will do some touring around here tomorrow and get on our way Friday. Thank you for the blog Charlene, we are enjoying them, and to all the other bloggers as well.

Thanks to Jack for his hospitality and electicity, we really enjoyed the visit with him and his boys.

Ta ta and peace.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Jacks Birthday and his Boys

Jack and the boys enjoyed his birthday. Carolyn made a nice meal and we all enjoyed that and the chocolate birthday cake. Here are a couple of the pics I took. The dog is Zoe and is a real gentle sweetie.

We will be on our way tomorrow, heading for Waco tomorrow and Corpus Christi the day after where will stay for a day. Friday we will be in our next long stay, one month, at the Sunshine RV resort at Harlingen.

Will blog when I can.

Ta ta and Peace.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

We're here

Well, actually, we've been here a couple of days now. Weather continues to great, though it is cloudy today and a cold snap appears to be on its way for mid week. We should be headed out just ahead of it.

For Thanksgiving we went to Ryans Buffet in Ardmore. Jamie and Andrew were at their Mom's for Thanksgiving so it was only the 3 of us and our arrival just the afternoon before, didn't give Carolyn time to do a dinner for 3, justice. Jack recommended Ryan's and took us there, and we had a great meal with much food to choose from. Thank you Jack.

Jack has purchased one of those Nintendo Wii game console. Is it ever fun. It is a game that I think will be a big hit, with a wider age group as the controls are simple and active. The wand works with inertial sensors so as you move it the actions on the screen follow it. So if you are bowling you make an action like throwing the ball. Same with tennis, baseball etc. So you are actually standing and moving around as in the real thing. Novel concept, actually getting exercise playing a video game. Looks funny to watch the participants jumping around, waving their arms, apparently aimlessly, unless you notice the screen to see what they are trying to do. An article described the motions like a traffic cop on meth. lol. This is particularly so when they are "boxing". I had no problem participating, it was that easy. Even Carolyn is willing to try and that is saying something.

Smoky remembered me and is always looking for my lap and a pet or two. Zoe is a sweetheart, very gently and is one of those dogs that grins. Of course she wants her share of petting so they are each trying to move the other out in competition for attention.

Jamie and Andrew are staying with Jack for the duration of our visit, which was kind of Catherine. So we are seeing alot of them. Jamie loves his Wii and other games, and Andrew plays occasionally, but is also content to talk, and talk. Good kids, very loving, growing like weeds.

I'll post some pictures before we leave.

Charlene continues her wonderful blogs and we really appreciate them. take a look at ouseyupnorth link on the right.

Ta ta for now.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Almost there...

We have had a pretty good trip so far, weather has been great and although we had to go the longer route, ie: south on I5 then East on I40 we have been making good time. We had to make up the day we lost going the long way, so there has been some long days. We are at Santa Rosa at a campground with free WiFi, so I have been able to catch up. Tonight we will be at Vernon Texas, then at Jacks early afternoon on Wednesday.

Talked to Mummy last night to wish her a Happy Birthday. She was in a great mood, Catherine had a nice party at a restaurant for her, with some family and friends. She really appreciated it. Well done Catherine.

More later from Jacks,

Ta ta and Peace.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Rough Seas, California

The crossing from Victoria to Port Angeles, was somewhat rough. The seas were still rolling after the wind and rain storm the night before and that same morning. However, we weathered it well. It was the afternoon ferry so we stayed at the Walmart in Port Angeles overnight. The next day took us to a rest stop south of Portland near Wilsonville. A great stop, it is huge, has 3 MH areas, and the one furthest back was quite far from the highway, thus quiet. We had a good night sleep so much so we carried on today for 450 miles to Corning California, where we are currently set up for the night at a Flying J. We got Wifi, thus this blog, we caught up with the news, emails and blogs. The worry warts, Rob and Tony, who had been wondering where we were ( after all I wasn't on line for almost 2 days ... lol) where happy to hear from us. Tony even called Noni, who call us, worried herself. ggl.

Anyhow all is well, the weather fine, it was 15C when we arrived here. Nothing like a shower to lift ones spirits. Night all.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Correction and more pictures

I knew that Lyn and Noni were the ones to get their Mom the Amber necklace, but incorrectly typed Noni and Chelsea in my last blog (it has since been corrected). Chelsea got her some Body Shop stuff, surprise surprise. Here are some more pictures: David tooting his own horn at the party, one of Noni's new "baby" named "Duck", hey "Baby Duck", I guess it works. And a couple of school pictures, one of Chelsea, isn't she beautiful, and one of John's son Jacob, a very handsome boy, that looks older than his 10 years.

Despite all the rain we have been having, I did manage to get one last golf game in, without getting wet. Now back to packing. We are both fighting off the sniffles; some of the family have had colds, and we are hoping we don't, nothing worse than travelling with a cold. Bad enough that Carolyn has the dizzies back, she was happy to be without them for awhile.
I may blog once more, but maybe not. All that is left for us to do is the last of the packing then we leave on Wednesday and head for the sun and warmth that Rob, Sue, Tony and Anne are currently enjoying.
All of you out in Blogland, keep up the blog posts, we will look forward to reading them.
Ta Ta all, and Peace.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Twelfth day of Carolyns Birthday

As Jack said, is this the Twelve days of Carolyn's Birthday, well if it is then Saturday was the Twelfth. The Clan of Ousey gathered to celebrate both David's 40th (actually on 30 Nov) and Carolyn's 65th. The sum of which was 105, which you can see in the picture. It was to be a surprise for both, but telling each that the party was for the other didn't really fool them all that much.

Here is a picture of the two of them, David and Mommy on his lap. Cute they are. 105 years between them, WOW.

However, Noni and John outdid themselves in preparing a fabulous feast for us all, very delicious, consisting of many finger foods, and two fondues, a cheese and a chocolate one. That and two delicious cakes and we were more than stuffed.
Of course there were gifts, and Noni and Lyn got their Mom necklace and ear ring set of Amber, the real stuff from the Baltic, which Carolyn just loves. See picture, which does not do it justice. David and Tena got her the complete series of the Vicar of Dibbley, an English series she just loves and will enjoy again and again on our trip.
Many other gifts, some of which she had gotten on her actual birthday and previous parties.
It definitely is a birthday we won't forget for awhile.
This morning just to wean ourselves off food slowly we went with Sue and John to Tino's for a breakfast brunch. Can't go cold turkey you know.
Speaking of food it is getting close to supper, and I got to get my nap in before that.
"Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people who have the most birthdays live the longest. "
-Larry Lorenzoni
This is not exactly a festschrift but it will do.
Ta ta and Peace.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Birthday Girl

I took Carolyn downtown yesterday for her Birthday, We went for brunch at the White Spot, then to the IMAX where we saw "Mystery of the Nile", then we checked in at the Laurel Point Inn. For dinner, I had reservations at "India Curry House" since I know she likes Curry, but she said she would rather not so we went to the Swiftsure Restaurant instead. We followed that with a movie; "The Queen" which was quite good, I was surprised that I even enjoyed it. We then retired to the Laurel Point. She was quite surprised and enjoyed the day very much.

Now back to some serious packing for our departure next Wednesday. Only 5 more sleeps.

The 12 days of Carolyn's Birthday will continue tomorrow night at Lyn's when the family gets together to celebrate same. Our last gathering of the clan prior to leaving.

So "peregrination" to travel or journey on foot, Hmmm.

Ta ta all.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Blogs n'stuff

Charlene blogged, hooray. Concise and to the point but good to see just the same. Now if I can get at least this from everyone else while we're away I'll be a happy "camper".

Helen what the hell is a "florilegium"? Oh! an anthology, I had to look it up.

We got mucho rain too. Didn't much bother us on our hill, but Sooke road was closed with mud slides, and Jacklin road was a washout with a water main break on top of everything else. Lots of flooded basements in low lying areas. It has dried up some, I managed to get some golf in this morning.

I see the Robinson's and Eng's are dry and warm, mid 90's. Nice, they got out of here just in time. Can't wait to get going and down there. 8 more sleeps.

Jane Barber is coming over this afternoon for a visit and dinner, it has been quite awhile since we have seen her. She lost her husband this spring to a heart attack, so she still is grieving, but life goes on. Good to see she is getting out travelling and seeing her kids.

Well must squeeze in some "getting ready to go" stuff done.

"Don't knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while, nine out of ten people couldn't start a conversation." Kin Hubbard

Ta ta and Peace.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Happy Birthday Carolyn 65 65 65

The first event of several in the "Happy Birthday Carolyn Week" was a fine success. We had 20 friends over on Friday to celebrate. I had gotten what turned out to be an excellent cake from Thrifty's, and we had nibble bits, beer, wine, coffee and cake and lots of conversation. We all had a grand time. Here are some pictures of the event. We had a great visit this weekend with Carolyn's Cousin Janet and her Husband George. They were in town to look at property and they put a deposit on a condo at Bear Mountain.
We travelled about with them looking at properties. We hadn't yet been up Bear mountain ourselves, until now. What a marvelous development. There is so much building going on around here one wonders where all the money and people are coming from. We enjoyed our two days with them, picture below.

Last night Sue and John Hutchins had us over for a fine dinner and tonight we are getting together with Mike & Gail and Gary & Judy, to see Gary & Judy's new motorhome and discuss our cruise with them next September.

We just got a call from Jane Barber an old friend, in town from Ontario, and she is coming over tomorrow. We haven't seen her for some time and look forward to a good visit with her.

Somewhere in here we have to get ready to go.
We have lots done but much more to do.

That it for now.

Ta ta and Peace.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Fall colours, frost n' all; we be partying too.

Damn cold here too Helen. We got frost the night before last. Went to the rig and checked the thermometer. It got to 26 F outside the rig and 29F inside the rig. On the plus side the leaves here in Victoria have been more colourful than we have ever seen, proabably due to the unusually dry summer and fall. Like I said until today. Looks like monsoon season is on us, started last night and has been going all day, and it looks like it will remain for a few more days too.

Rob, Sue, Tony and Ann have headed south, and it looks like the weather is cooperating for them, hope we get the same in mid November. We have been busy getting ready. Socially too.

We are having Denny and Cathy Thomas over for dinner tonight. We haven't had them over for awhile, though we did see them at the Squadron Reunion.

Tomorrow, I am having a whack of friends over to celebrate Carolyns arrival at the BIG 65. No surprise for her other than the fact that I actually organized it. Her birthday is actually on the 9th and I have plans for that too, but don't tell her, that is a surprise. Good thing she doesn't read my blogs.

Looks like we will have house sitters, while we are away. Catherine will be staying here for a few days in December, and Rachel has agreed to stay for Jan, Feb, and March. This is a an easy transition for her to living on her own and the place won't be empty. She seems quite excited at the prospect.

Gotta go change for dinner,

Ta Ta and Peace.

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