Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Sun Golf and more Sun

I was invited by Gerry to a round of golf yesterday. It was a beautiful sunny day yet again. My golfing, though rusty, was half bad. Of course one can always do better. That's one thing about golf, you can never golf as good as you think you should. Anyhow, it was fun and enjoyable.

I see Rob and Sue are closing in on the Butterfield RV resort in Benson, Az. We will be headed that way tomorrow ourselves, as will Ken and Helen and their friends. Rob is, apparently, looking forward to some astronomy lessons at the observatory. lol.

Gerry and Natalie came over for dinner last night, and enjoyed some of Carolyn's famous Spaghetti and meata balls, followed by key lime pie, mmmmmm.

I gotta get out and walk some of this off, no doubt about it.
Ta ta

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Sun Sun Sun Will it ever end.

We haven't seen rain since the drive down. Where did all the rain go anyway?????

Just boring Sun, Sun, Sun all day long.

Locally they have broken the record of 102 days without rain. With the clear weather we do get cool evening. Mid to upper 30's F by morning. (2 to 4 C)

We had a nice dinner Friday night with the Mawhinneys along with Art and Joan, telling war stories and generally catching up.

Yesterday washed the car and part of the motorhome, otherwise spent the day reading.

Today I am going to hit some golf balls and then we will hit the pool and hot tub.


Friday, January 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Noni

It was Noni's birthday back on the 23rd and the family (minus us of course) went out for dinner. Chelsea sent some pictures and I have posted two of them. Geisha Noni with Chelsea and our sweet goofballs. Chelsea cut her gorgeous hair, though it is still quite long; shoulder length.
We finally have met up with Gerry and Natalie, they were out all day yesterday and they noticed we were here this morning. We are going there for dinner tonight. Good to see them.

There is a nicely done "Last Post" on Dennis' blog put there by Catherine. Check it out. It is still hard to believe. Sure do miss him.

Ta Ta

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Burro's - Casa Grande

Well we made the move to Val Vista Winter Village in Casa Grande. We are here for a week. We are looking forward to seeing our friends here, namely Gerry and Natalie Mawhinney from PEI. We were here for a week last year and we enjoyed their company then.

All is well with us, except for a buggy sore throut that we both have, probably the dust.

We had some nice walks at "Kripple Kreek" section of Imperial Dam. Nice area, that we may use again in the future. There are wild Burro's and one came right through the camp. A neighbour was hand feeding it an apple (A No-No in actuality), but anyway I got some pictures and we got to pet him. He apparently was an outcast from the local group. Stronger male booted him out, I guess.
So I heard that the conservative pulled out a winner. It was actually on the US news, however, they didn't say anything about minority or majority, probably because they don't anything about that kind of political situation.

Well I guess I'll find out when I login to post this blog.

Ta Ta all.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Reading, Hiking

Not much happening this week, just relaxing, reading, hiking around etc. Kripple Kreek is a much nicer spot than up on the hill. We have had more wind but hardly noticeable here.

We leave on the 23rd for Val Vista Winter Village in Casa Grande, we will be there a week.

That's it for now. Ta ta all.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Imperial Dam Wind

We are at Imperial Dam and have been for a week now. Much the same as last time, not much to do but relax and read a lot. We do get three of the major networks on TV, but have to run the generator to see them on the big TV, so we watch some on the small B&W one. We are walking some but we have had some horrendous winds that has kept us inside. We moved the rig yesterday. We had to use the sani-dump anyway and get more water so we moved down into a more sheltered area. We found a place called Kripple Creek. It has more plant life in the form of Salt Cedars and Palo Verde trees. A small valley of sorts and out of the wind, though today there is no wind anywhere. So we can get back to walking and riding my bike. In about a week we head for Casa Grande to visit the Mawhinneys. Today a trip to town for supplies, and an internet connection.
Toodle do.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

On the road again soon

We will be on the road again Tuesday. Just some packing and cleaning to do Monday and we hit the road. Probably will spend two weeks at Imperial Dam like last year. Quite isolated, very little TV and no cell coverage. But we will come into town every 3-4 days and catch up with email. They do have pay phones there so we will call periodically. Got word from Rob and Sue and we will be meeting them Feb 1st at Benson AZ. The place is the Butterfield RV resort and Observatory. Yes an actual observatory, should be interesting. We spend a week there then head for River Breeze at Ehrenberg AZ for a month.

It has been quite warm, no rain, lots of sun, some wind however, which has made it occasionally dusty, especially since they are working the local area with tractors, building a park. Probably won't be back here next year to see it. Maybe Texas next year.

Catherine and Mom seem to be coping well. We got a very nice, long newsy Email from Catherine and we have been talking to Mom regularily and things seem to be normalizing. Mom is back playing cards. It still will take some time but healing has begun. Mom and Catherine are talking trip to West Coast in July. Apparently Jack is talking about coming to Victoria in July with the boys and Mom would like to be there. Catherine will be able to visit Margot and Joel then too. Great Idea. Hope it comes together.

I'll blog again when I can. Peace.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Dust Dust and More Dust

We enjoyed a nice visit with Andy and Kathie. It was sure great to see someone from Victoria after coming back from Winnipeg. They departed yesterday for BLM lands in California, the Hot Springs. Ken and Helen's visitors Jeff and Bev Shuler departed today for home in San Jose. It was great meeting them and we had some fun times eating, some more eating and watching football games. At least Ken and Jeff did. I joined them for the Rose Bowl, which was an excellent ball game. Now we can relax for a day or two, clean up all the dust. Man have we been eating dust.

Most unfortunately, the sites we picked and reserved used to be on a scenic road on the edge of Cocopah. Many plants, cacti, animals (rabbits and road runners) and Salt Cedars. Homeland security had them plough the whole thing down as it was difficult seeing fleeing Mexicans along the Colorado river which is right in front of us. They have been leveling the land between us and the river resulting is mucho dusto. Yeeuch. To top it all off, the last two days have been windy, however, quite warm. Mid to upper 70's, that's 25 Centipedes for you Northerners. So we must make an effort to get to the pool today and tomorrow. Also have to get on the golf course too.

Well toodle do all. Or as someone famous said Ta Ta Peace.

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